36.000 Dutch citizens reflect on the corona policy
36.000 Dutch citizens reflect on the corona policy
The government would like to be well prepared for different possible developments of the coronavirus. We conducted research for the Behavioral Unit of the RIVM. We investigated which coronavirus measures Dutch people do and do not want. The participants were also shown the consequences of their choice.
What did we study?
We asked ourselves what Dutch people would want if the number of infections and hospitalizations increased in the fall of 2021. Should the government reinstate corona measures? When they see the consequences of their choices, will they make different choices? What concerns, values, and beliefs do they base their choices on?
Who participated in the study?
First, a representative group of Dutch people participated in the study. After that, anyone in the Netherlands could participate. In the end, approximately 36,000 Dutch people participated in our consultation. The consultation took place between August 11 and September 5, 2021.
What did RIVM do with the results?
With our research, the Behavioral Unit of RIVM has written documents for the parliament. Our research is also used in the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) advice. The outgoing cabinet used these documents for the parliament and the OMT advice to make decisions about the corona policy.